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OpenJDK 6: The Open-Source Java Platform for Developing and Running Java Applications

How to Download OpenJDK 6

If you are looking for a free and open-source implementation of the Java SE 6 specification, you may want to consider using OpenJDK 6. In this article, we will explain what OpenJDK 6 is, why you may want to use it, how to install it on different operating systems, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and what are some alternatives to it.

download openjdk 6

What is OpenJDK 6?

OpenJDK 6 is an open-source implementation of the Java SE 6 specification. It was released in 2007 as a result of the development that Sun Microsystems started in 2006. It consists of a Java Virtual Machine (HotSpot), a Java Class Library, and a Java compiler (javac).

An open-source implementation of Java SE 6

OpenJDK 6 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2) with a linking exception. This means that anyone can download, use, modify, and distribute the source code and binaries of OpenJDK 6 without paying any fees or royalties. The linking exception allows applications that use OpenJDK 6 to remain under their own license terms.

A reference implementation of Java SE 6

OpenJDK 6 is also an official reference implementation of the Java SE 6 specification. This means that it complies with the standards and requirements defined by the Java Community Process (JCP) for Java SE 6. Various binaries derived from OpenJDK 6 sources passed the Java SE 6 Test Compatibility Kit (TCK) suite, which verifies the conformance of a Java implementation.

A project maintained by the OpenJDK community

OpenJDK 6 is also a project maintained by the OpenJDK community, which consists of developers from various organizations and individuals who contribute to the development and improvement of OpenJDK. The project was dissolved in February 2023 as Oracle stopped providing public updates and security patches for Oracle JDK 6. However, the OpenJDK community continues to provide updates and fixes for OpenJDK 6 through the JDK Updates Project.

Why use OpenJDK 6?

There are several reasons why you may want to use OpenJDK 6 for your Java applications. Here are some of them:

It is free and open-source

As mentioned earlier, OpenJDK 6 is licensed under the GPLv2 with a linking exception, which means that you can use it without paying any fees or royalties. You can also access and modify the source code and binaries of OpenJDK 6 according to your needs. You can also contribute to the OpenJDK community by submitting patches, bug reports, or feature requests.

It values stability, compatibility, and security

OpenJDK 6 is designed to be stable, compatible, and secure. It follows the Java SE 6 specification, which ensures that it works with existing Java applications and libraries that are based on Java SE 6. It also receives regular security updates and bug fixes from the OpenJDK community, which helps to keep it safe and reliable.

It supports multiple platforms and architectures

OpenJDK 6 is available for various operating systems and architectures, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, BSD, AIX, and others. You can download the binaries or the source code of OpenJDK 6 from the official website or from other sources that provide OpenJDK builds.

How to download openjdk 6 on Linux

Openjdk 6 installation guide for Windows

Openjdk 6 vs Oracle JDK 6 comparison

Openjdk 6 source code download and build

Openjdk 6 security updates and patches

Openjdk 6 performance tuning and optimization

Openjdk 6 documentation and tutorials

Openjdk 6 features and enhancements

Openjdk 6 compatibility with Java SE 6 specification

Openjdk 6 supported platforms and requirements

Openjdk 6 binary packages for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.

Openjdk 6 development tools and libraries

Openjdk 6 license and terms of use

Openjdk 6 release notes and changelog

Openjdk 6 bug reports and fixes

Openjdk 6 test suite and quality assurance

Openjdk 6 community and mailing lists

Openjdk 6 project page and roadmap

Openjdk 6 alternatives and forks

Openjdk 6 end of life and support policy

How to upgrade from openjdk 6 to openjdk 7 or higher

How to uninstall openjdk 6 from your system

How to configure openjdk 6 environment variables and options

How to run openjdk 6 applications and applets

How to troubleshoot openjdk 6 issues and errors

How to benchmark openjdk 6 performance and memory usage

How to enable openjdk 6 debugging and logging

How to use openjdk 6 with Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, etc.

How to compile openjdk 6 from source code on Mac OS X

How to verify openjdk 6 checksums and signatures

How to contribute to openjdk 6 development and testing

How to join openjdk 6 committers' workshop and events

How to download openjdk 6 for Raspberry Pi and other ARM devices

How to use openjdk 6 with Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, etc.

How to migrate from Oracle JDK 6 to openjdk 6

How to use openjdk 6 with Apache Tomcat, Jetty, GlassFish, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with Maven, Gradle, Ant, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with JUnit, TestNG, Selenium, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with Swing, AWT, JavaFX, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with JDBC, JNDI, RMI, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with JMX, JMS, JAX-RS, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with JSON, XML, SOAP, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with SSL, TLS, HTTPS, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with cryptography, security manager, policy files, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with logging frameworks like Log4j, SLF4J, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with profiling tools like VisualVM, JProfiler, etc.

How to use openjdk 6 with code analysis tools like PMD, FindBugs, etc.

How to install OpenJDK 6 on different operating systems?

The installation process of OpenJDK 6 may vary depending on the operating system and the type of package you choose. Here are some general steps for installing OpenJDK 6 on different operating systems:


There are two ways to install OpenJDK 6 on Windows: using a packaged installer or using a compressed JDK.

Using a packaged installer

A packaged installer is a file that contains the binaries and configuration files of OpenJDK 6. It also creates shortcuts and registry entries for OpenJDK 6. To use a packaged installer, follow these steps:

  • Download the installer file from a source that provides OpenJDK builds, such as .

  • Run the installer file and follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Select the destination folder for OpenJDK 6 and click Next.

  • Select the features you want to install, such as the Java Development Kit (JDK), the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), or the Source Code.

  • Click Install and wait for the installation to finish.

  • Click Finish to exit the installer.

Using a compressed JDK

A compressed JDK is a file that contains only the binaries of OpenJDK 6. It does not create any shortcuts or registry entries for OpenJDK 6. To use a compressed JDK, follow these steps:

  • Download the compressed JDK file from a source that provides OpenJDK builds, such as .

  • Extract the compressed JDK file to a folder of your choice.

  • Add the bin folder of the extracted JDK to your PATH environment variable. This will allow you to run Java commands from any location.

Setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable

The JAVA_HOME environment variable is used by some applications and tools to locate the Java installation directory. To set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.

  • Select Advanced system settings and click on Environment Variables.

  • Under System variables, click on New.

  • Type JAVA_HOME as the variable name and type the path of your JDK installation folder as the variable value. For example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45.

  • Click OK to save the changes.


There are two ways to install OpenJDK 6 on Linux: using a package manager or using a compressed JDK.

Using a package manager

A package manager is a tool that allows you to install, update, and remove software packages on your system. Different Linux distributions may use different package managers, such as apt, yum, dnf, pacman, or zypper. To use a package manager to install OpenJDK 6, follow these steps:

  • Open a terminal and update your package list. For example, if you are using Ubuntu or Debian, you can use the command sudo apt update.

  • Search for the available OpenJDK 6 packages. For example, if you are using Ubuntu or Debian, you can use the command apt search openjdk-6.

  • Select the package that matches your system architecture and preferences. For example, if you want to install the JDK for 64-bit systems, you can use the package openjdk-6-jdk.

  • Install the selected package using the appropriate command. For example, if you are using Ubuntu or Debian, you can use the command sudo apt install openjdk-6-jdk.

  • Verify that the installation was successful by running the command java -version. You should see something like this:

java version "1.6.0_45" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.13.13) (6b45-1.13.13-1deb7u1) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.45-b02, mixed mode)

Using a compressed JDK

A compressed JDK is a file that contains only the binaries of OpenJDK 6. It does not create any shortcuts or configuration files for OpenJDK 6. To use a compressed JDK, follow these steps:

  • Download the compressed JDK file from a source that provides OpenJDK builds, such as .

  • Extract the compressed JDK file to a folder of your choice.

  • Add the bin folder of the extracted JDK to your PATH environment variable. This will allow you to run Java commands from any location. You can do this by editing your .bashrc or .profile file and adding a line like this:

export PATH=/path/to/jdk/bin:$PATH

  • Reload your terminal or source your file to apply the changes. For example, you can use the command source /.bashrc.

Setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable

The JAVA_HOME environment variable is used by some applications and tools to locate the Java installation directory. To set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, follow these steps:

  • Edit your .bashrc or .profile file and add a line like this:

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk

  • Reload your terminal or source your file to apply the changes. For example, you can use the command source /.bashrc.

Mac OS X

There are two ways to install OpenJDK 6 on Mac OS X: using a packaged installer or using a compressed JDK.

Using a packaged installer

A packaged installer is a file that contains the binaries and configuration files of OpenJDK 6. It also creates shortcuts and preferences for OpenJDK 6. To use a packaged installer, follow these steps:

  • Download the installer file from a source that provides OpenJDK builds, such as .

  • Run the installer file and follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Select the destination folder for OpenJDK 6 and click Continue.

  • Select the features you want to install, such as the Java Development Kit (JDK), the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), or the Source Code.

  • Click Install and wait for the installation to finish.

  • Click Close to exit the installer.

Using a compressed JDK

A compressed JDK is a file that contains only the binaries of OpenJDK 6. It does not create any shortcuts or preferences for OpenJDK 6. To use a compressed JDK, follow these steps:

  • Download the compressed JDK file from a source that provides OpenJDK builds, such as .

  • Extract the compressed JDK file to a folder of your choice.

  • Add the bin folder of the extracted JDK to your PATH environment variable. This will allow you to run Java commands from any location. You can do this by editing your .bash_profile or .zshrc file and adding a line like this:

export PATH=/path/to/jdk/bin:$PATH

  • Reload your terminal or source your file to apply the changes. For example, you can use the command source /.bash_profile.

Setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable

The JAVA_HOME environment variable is used by some applications and tools to locate the Java installation directory. To set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, follow these steps:

  • Edit your .bash_profile or .zshrc file and add a line like this:

export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk

  • Reload your terminal or source your file to apply the changes. For example, you can use the command source /.bash_profile.

Advantages and disadvantages of OpenJDK 6

OpenJDK 6 has some advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of before using it. Here are some of them:


Some of the advantages of OpenJDK 6 are:

It is free and open-source

This means that you can use it without paying any fees or royalties. You can also access and modify the source code and binaries of OpenJDK 6 according to your needs. You can also contribute to the OpenJDK community by submitting patches, bug reports, or feature requests.

It is compatible with Oracle JDK 6

This means that it follows the Java SE 6 specification and passes the Java SE 6 TCK suite. This ensures that it works with existing Java applications and libraries that are based on Java SE 6.

It has regular security updates and bug fixes

This means that it receives updates and fixes from the OpenJDK community, which helps to keep it safe and reliable.


Some of the disadvantages of OpenJDK 6 are:

It is no longer actively developed or supported by Oracle

This means that Oracle stopped providing public updates and security patches for Oracle JDK 6 in February 2023. This may expose you to security risks or compatibility issues with newer Java versions or applications.

It may have performance or compatibility issues with newer Java versions or applications

This means that OpenJDK 6 may not be optimized for newer Java features or technologies, such as lambda expressions, streams, modules, or GraalVM. It may also not work well with newer Java applications or frameworks, such as Spring Boot, Quarkus, or Micronaut.

It may not include some features or tools that are available in Oracle JDK or other JDKs

This means that OpenJDK 6 may not have some features or tools that are exclusive to Oracle JDK or other JDKs, such as Java Flight Recorder, Java Mission Control, Visual Studio Code Java Extension Pack, or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition.

Alternatives to OpenJDK 6

If you are looking for alternatives to OpenJDK 6, you may want to consider these options:

Oracle JDK 6 (commercial license required)

This is the original implementation of Java SE 6 by Oracle (formerly Sun Microsystems). It includes all the features and tools of OpenJDK 6, plus some additional ones that are exclusive to Oracle JDK. However, it requires a commercial license for production use since April 2019.

Azul Platform Core (free and open-source)

This is an implementation of Java SE 6 by Azul Systems , a company that specializes in Java performance and scalability. It is based on OpenJDK 6, but it has some enhancements and optimizations, such as the Zing JVM, the Zulu Embedded JDK, and the Zulu Cryptography Extension Kit. It is free and open-source for personal and commercial use.

Amazon Corretto (free and open-source)

This is an implementation of Java SE 6 by Amazon Web Services (AWS), a cloud computing platform. It is based on OpenJDK 6, but it has some patches and improvements, such as the Amazon Corretto Crypto Provider, the Amazon Corretto Memory Analyzer, and the Amazon Corretto Distribution Test Kit. It is free and open-source for personal and commercial use.

Microsoft OpenJDK (free and open-source)

This is an implementation of Java SE 6 by Microsoft, a software and technology company. It is based on OpenJDK 6, but it has some modifications and additions, such as the Microsoft Build of OpenJDK, the Microsoft Java Extension Pack, and the Microsoft Azure SDK for Java. It is free and open-source for personal and commercial use.


In this article, we have learned how to download OpenJDK 6, an open-source implementation of Java SE 6. We have also discussed what OpenJDK 6 is, why you may want to use it, how to install it on different operating systems, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and what are some alternatives to it. We hope that this article has helped you to understand more about OpenJDK 6 and how to use it for your Java applications.


Here are some frequently asked questions about OpenJDK 6:

What is the difference between OpenJDK 6 and Oracle JDK 6?

OpenJDK 6 and Oracle JDK 6 are both implementations of Java SE 6, but they have some differences. OpenJDK 6 is free and open-source, while Oracle JDK 6 requires a commercial license for production use. OpenJDK 6 is maintained by the OpenJDK community, while Oracle JDK 6 is maintained by Oracle. OpenJDK 6 may not include some features or tools that are available in Oracle JDK 6, such as Java Flight Recorder or Java Mission Control.

Is OpenJDK 6 still supported?

OpenJDK 6 is no longer actively developed or supported by Oracle since February 2023. However, the OpenJDK community continues to provide updates and fixes for OpenJDK 6 through the JDK Updates Project. You can also use other sources that provide OpenJDK builds, such as AdoptOpenJDK, Azul Platform Core, Amazon Corretto, or Microsoft OpenJDK.

How can I update OpenJDK 6?

You can update OpenJDK 6 by downloading and installing the latest version from the source that you used to install it. For example, if you used AdoptOpenJDK to install OpenJDK 6, you can download and install the latest version from their website. You can also check for updates using your package manager or your installer.

How can I uninstall OpenJDK 6?

You can uninstall OpenJDK 6 by using the same method that you used to install it. For example, if you used a packaged installer to install OpenJDK 6 on Windows, you can use the Control Panel to uninstall it. If you used a compressed JDK to install OpenJDK 6 on Linux, you can simply delete the folder that contains it.

How can I switch between different JDK versions?

You can switch between different JDK versions by changing the JAVA_HOME environment variable or the PATH environment variable. For example, if you have both OpenJDK 6 and OpenJDK 8 installed on your system, you can switch between them by setting the JAVA_HOME variable to point to the respective JDK installation folder. You can also use tools such as to manage multiple JDK versions on your system. 44f88ac181

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