The truth is, most of the things we want - health, happiness, wealth, love - are governed by our ability to think, feel, and act - in other words, by our brain. Dr. Swart combines the insights and inspiration of The Secret with the practical lessons of The Master Key System to help a new generation fulfill their dreams. The Source is a rigorous, proven toolkit for unlocking our minds - and reaching our fullest potential.
Laura Day Practical Intuition Pdf
Ask and It Is Given is certainly a book about our ''asking'' being answered by all-that-is. But it's primarily about how whatever we're asking for is being given to us - and it's also the first book to ever, in such clear terminology, give us the simple practical formula for how to ask for, and then how to receive, whatever we want to be, do, or have. Decades ago, while searching for plausible answers to my never-ending quest to know what ''it'' is all about, I discovered the word ineffable (meaning ''incapable of being expressed in words'').
Like optimism, intuition can be cultivated. Research has shown that contrary to popular opinion intuition isn't something we are born with, and it doesn't come naturally to everyone. Intuition is a skill that we can learn and we can get better at it the more we practise. Drawing on what science and psychology can teach us about intuition and Theresa's techniques to strengthen it using the life changing power of ritual, this book offers 21 simple and proven daily rituals to help you tune in to your inner wisdom and start making better decisions in your life today.
In her new book, How to Rule the World from Your Couch, Laura Day teaches you or your company how to create success in any area by using your brain in unique and compel-ling ways so that your innate intuition can propel you ahead to successful solutions. The step-by-step exercises included -- many of which can (and should!) be done from the comfort of your couch -- will show you how you can: Find and secure your dream job Maintain solid relationships, even at a distance Lose weight by reclaiming the body you were meant to have Know how to spot your perfect mate Make better investments and business decisions Negotiate differences in the workplace Have an understanding relationship with your child Identify which opportunities will pan out Project a desirable image for yourself or your product Anticipate and resolve difficult conflict before you walk into a situation Laura's work has helped demystify intuition and demonstrate its practical, verifiable uses in the fields of business, science, medicine, and personal growth. Her list of clients and students includes doctors, financial investors, scientists, engineers, and celebrities. Day has shown that 98 percent of success is planning and that you, therefore, have the power to transform your life.
Laura Day is the New York Times bestselling author of Practical Intuition and has spent over two decades helping companies as well as individuals use the power of intuition to achieve their dreams. Her global clientele includes celebrities, scientists, business executives, and other professionals. She speaks regularly both here and abroad, and has appeared in numerous publications (Marie Claire, People Magazine, Newsweek) and on television including CNN, The View, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Fox News, and Good Morning America.
Practical intuition works on the principle that we already possess all the answers to our own questions - and we really do. I've used this exercise in multiple settings, for multiple topics and always been amazed at the results. You can use it, not just to access your body's health and longevity needs, but pretty much for everything.
I'm silently 'sending' you the longevity and health question that you are going to work on. Please note: You don't know what the question is before hand because you're going to be relying on the fact that your all-knowing practical intuition will provide you with answers to your question.
I used Laura Day's practical intuition exercises often, and for many different things. So that I don't know the question, I write down at least 3 questions I'd like answers to on down on separate pieces of paper.
"Laura Day is a remarkable woman with remarkable abilities, but for me, what is most remarkable about her is how she has taught me to believe in myself and my own intuition. . . . By creating a practical format like the one in this book, she teaches everyone to see how intuition works on all levels of our lives, and how we can take back our personal power." --Demi Moore
In her groundbreaking bestseller Practical Intuition, Laura Day showed how intuition--an instinctual knowledge we all possess about ourselves and what is best for us--can be the most effective tool for leading a fulfilled life. In Practical Intuition in Love, Laura Day demonstrates how this powerful, natural gift directly affects our ability to find and sustain intimate romantic relationships. If used wisely, intuition will help you send and interpret romantic signals, guide you to the right people and choices, and help you avoid the entrapments of no-win situations. Based on her successful workshops and filled with proven techniques and real-life examples, Laura Day's simple six-step plan will help you recognize the inner gift of attracting and nourishing the relationship with the one you love. Whether you are searching for a partner, recovering from love gone wrong, or trying to put the heat in the relationship gone cold, Practical Intuition in Love will help you put pleasure back in into your life, and find joy in a relationship that lasts.
Long hailed as a leading master of intuition, Laura Day has worked with everyone from high-powered business people to hippies to celebrities to financial analysts to housewives. She is the queen of showing people how to access their intuition so they can make more informed decisions and design more authentic lives. This book gives all her secrets and tried and true tips on connecting with your inner GPS via exercises and case studies.
In her groundbreaking bestseller Practical Intuition, Laura Day showed how intuition--an instinctual knowledge we all possess about ourselves and what is best for us--can be the most effective tool for leading a fulfilled life. In Practical Intuition in Love, Laura Day demonstrates how this powerful, natural gift directly affects our ability to find and sustain intimate romantic relationships. If used wisely, intuition will help you send and interpret romantic signals, guide you to the right people and choices, and help you avoid the entrapments of no-win situations. Based on her successful workshops and filled with proven techniques and real-life examples, Laura Day's simple six-step plan will help you recognize the inner gift of attracting and nourishing the relationship with the one you love. Whether you are searching for a partner, recovering from love gone wrong, or trying to put the heat in the relationship gone cold, Practical Intuition in Love will help you put pleasure back in into your life, and find joy in a relationship that lasts.
The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place in the World Using Synchronicity, Intuition, and Uncommon Sense by Carol AdrienneExplains how to locate the source ofpersonal innate energy and focus it, how to align oneself with the naturalforces that swirl around, and how to develop the intuition that fosterssynchronicity.PurchaseIt The Intuitive Way: A Guide to Living from Inner Wisdom by Penney Peirce In this book, I have distilled what I know about developing intuitive, "direct knowing" and skillful perception into a course, organized in a natural sequence of 10 steps, which if followed in order, will regulate the process of unfolding and help you apply the new awareness, says the author, Penney Peirce. Purchase It
The conceit of the "thinking" mind assumes that we can overcome years of programming, subdue our conflicting subconscious desires and the patterns we have created in ourselves and our world, by simply deciding. As a human being you are composed of many parts, intellect, intuition, the subconscious to name a few. We create our outer world and our experience of it, through these energies and perceptions. In a sense, we each live in our own world. The miracle of creation is that you can change your world by making subtle, organic changes in yourself.
Laura Day, (born March 22, 1959) is the author of several self-help books, focusing on intuition. She also gives financial advice as an "intuitionist".[1][2][3][4] She resides in New York City.
The First Element INTENTIONALITY The "practical" people of the world are quick to dismiss "wishful thinking," and yet the process of creating anything begins with a wish. Wishing focuses your internal resources — intellect, intuition, unconscious drives, and physical and emotional energy — on any creation you choose. Wishing is the active, engaged sister of fantasy. Your imagination ignites desire and then hunger to initiate the process of change. Without the motivation of desire, without hunger, you would achieve nothing since you would want for nothing. Your hunger drives you in search of nourishment, just as a plant turns toward the sun for more light and deepens its roots for more water. You experience hunger in many ways. Desire is hunger. Envy is hunger. Loneliness is hunger. Everyone is hungry. Artists are hungry. Students are hungry. Scientists are hungry. Entrepreneurs are hungry. Visionaries are hungry. Humanitarians are hungry. All of us are hungry. Hunger drives you to expand what and who you are. Yet you often distrust your desires. If you fear you cannot satisfy them, it seems safer to repress your hunger. You have made hunger the enemy, but hunger is life. When you repress, judge, or deny hunger, you deny life. Do not fear your hungers. They are neither good nor bad. Use hunger as fuel. Use hunger as energy. Guide your hunger. Focus your hunger. Use your hunger for growth. If you do not consciously direct your hunger, your hunger will use you and those around you. Go ahead — dream of what you want. Allow yourself to wish. Allow yourself to feel your hunger. In The Circle, nobody endures hunger. When you make a wish, you direct the energy of The Circle. You give yourself — and the Universe — a positive focus, a path for energy to travel. The use of will is the magic wand of human being. Yet very few of us use our wills effectively. Your will organizes and mobilizes all the other energies inside of you and around you into an irresistible force. Your ability to make a choice and stick to it — your will — is your most powerful inner resource. Since this is your first conscious journey in The Circle, you must focus all of your being on one, single wish. Take your time now in selecting your wish. Ask youself many questions. Let your mind run free. Draw up a long list, then narrow it down. What single change in your life would give you the most joy? What single change would bring you the most relief? What is your biggest concern? What issue do you spend most of your emotional energy on? What lack is the source of your greatest sorrow? What is the one thing that you most envy in others? If you knew you couldn't fail — as if a genie would grant it — what would you wish for? Keep in mind that a wish need not be "reasonable" or "rational" or "deserved." Nor is a wish a "should" or a "must" or a "would have." Your wish now should be the thing you ache for, your soul's deepest need. You may have many desires, so it may not be easy to decide on just one. For now, though, you must choose just one wish to create as you master the nine elements of The Circle. The Circle is always there to travel again with another wish, but during your initiation, when you are just learning the ways of The Circle, you should focus on a single wish. Otherwise, you may dilute the energy being built up around your primary goal. As you reach one goal, you will form new ones, and The Circle will help you with all of the mini goals that arise during the day. Doing one thing well and effectively will positively impact all areas of your life. Also, there is no possibility that you will select the "wrong" goal. Your needs and desires will become clarified within The Circle. If you choose a wish at odds with what you truly want, that wish will evolve to serve the wholeness of your being and your life. So what do you wish for right now? Make your wish. One, single wish. Together we will begin to bring your wish to life. You can also write it in your Workbook. In the past, you may have wished for many things that you did not receive. There is an alchemy of wishing. It's time you learned to wish within The Circle. To do so, you must express your wish in a way The Circle will respond to. The language of The Circle is the present tense. When someone experiences an event as happening in the future, it does not yet exist for that person. And if something does not yet exist, it is not possible for that person to experience it and change it. In The Circle, the acts of wishing and receiving are simultaneous; there is no distinction between past, present, and future. The future occurs now. So in The Circle, there is not "I want," but rather "I have." Phrase your wish as if it has already happened. If you focus on "I want," you direct your inner resources to reinforce wanting rather than having. If you focus on "I have," "I am," "I feel," or "I embrace," your inner resources will find opportunities for this to be true. So instead of saying, "I wish I would fall in love," within The Circle you say, "I am in love." Instead of saying, "I wish I weren't struggling financially," you say, "I am earning all the money I want, doing something I love." Once you wish within The Circle, we call your wish your New Reality because it is already happening, right now. It is also important to phrase your wish positively, in terms of what you want, rather than negatively, in terms of what you might be trying to avoid. When you wish in the negative, you focus your attention and energy on the very thing you don't want, which directs your unconscious to reinforce it. Instead of focusing on what is not happening at work, say, focus on creating recognition and success. In doing so, you direct your inner resources to notice opportunities to achieve your goals that you would otherwise have overlooked. Instead of, "I wish I weren't sick," you say, "I am healthy and full of energy." Instead of saying, "I wish I weren't alone," you say, "I am involved in a loving, committed relationship." Remember always to phrase your wish as if it were already fulfilled. If your wish is to be heard within The Circle, then, it should be specific, positive, passionate, and present. Wish for one thing at a time, know precisely what you want — and embrace that wish with all your heart and soul as if it has already come to pass. By doing so, you will unleash amazing energies. State your wish out loud. Now embrace it. You are creating yourself and the world anew. Copyright 2001 by Laura Day 2ff7e9595c